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Augmented Scale


Much like the Diminished Scale is actually just two diminished chords superimposed over each other. The Augmented Scale is just two augmented chords superimposed over each other. But it can also be thought of as three major triads superimposed over each other:

C Augmented ScaleC E♭ E G G# BC+ = C E G#
E♭+ = E♭ G B
C = C E G
E = E G# B
A♭ = A♭ C E♭

The Augmented Scale

The Augmented Scale is:

Because the scale is symmetrical, there are only 4 unique Augmented Scales (i.e. the C Augmented contains all the same notes as the E and A♭ Augmented)

And also, much like the Diminished Scale, you can create modes of the Augmented Scale by just starting on a different note. So for example, C minor-third half-step scale contains all the same notes as E♭ half-step minor-third scale.

C minor-third half-step scaleC E♭ E G G# B
Eb half-step minor-third scaleE♭ E G G# B C

You can use the C Augmented Scale over any chord that:

ChordNotesEquivalent Chord
CMaj7#5C E G# BNA
CmMaj7C E♭ G BNA
D7#11D F# A C E G#G♭7#11
D♭mMaj7D♭ E A♭ CFmMaj7
Dm9♭5D F A♭ C EG♭m9♭5

Note: The Augmented Scale contains ‘avoid notes’ so be careful when using it. For example:

You can use both the C minor-third half-step scale and the C half-step minor-third scale over a C7alt chord:

C minor-third half-step scale notesCE♭/D#EGG#/A♭B
C7alt degrees1#935♭137 (avoid note)
C half-step minor-third scale notesCD♭EFA♭A
C7alt degrees1♭9311 (avoid note)♭1313

Augmented Lick

Below is a classic augmented lick in C Augmented. Try it out and listen to how it sounds.

Have a Listen to

This scale was popularised by John Coltrane, Oliver Nelson and Michael Brecker. Sections of the following songs use the Augmented Scale:


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