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How to Reharmonize a Song – Reharmonization


We began covering Reharmonization in the previous lesson. In this lesson we will further build and develop this topic, as well as review some of the content from the previous lesson.

Reharmonization = Chord substitution but for the whole chord progression

Reharmonization is used to:

So, generally, a song consists of a:

Reharmonization involves changing the melody or chords or both – but changing them with regard to certain rules or ideas.

To reharmonize a song you need to take two things into account:

The Overarching Goal of Reharmonization is:

  • Change the chords and/or melody to ensure the melody is an ‘acceptable harmony’ over the chord.
  • Change chords and bass-line so they move in a ‘structured way’.

Key Melody Note

The first thing you have to do when reharmonizing a song is to identify the Key Melody Note (KMN) of each bar:


First let’s deal with the Harmony:

Acceptable Harmony = Guide Tones + Available Tensions

Below are the Acceptable Harmonies for a number of chord types.

Acceptable Harmonies

Ok, so now let’s do the same exercise but in reverse. Instead of taking a chord and finding all its acceptable harmonies, let’s take a note and find all the chords where that note is an acceptable harmony. Let’s use the note ‘C’.

You can use any of the chords coloured Green above to substitute for a chord when the key melody note of a bar is ‘C’.


Next let’s deal with the Structure:

Chromatic (Fixed Intervals)E♭7D7D♭7CMaj7
Coltrane (Fixed Intervals)CMaj7 G#Maj7EMaj7CMaj7
DiatonicF7 E7D7CMaj7
Melody BasedMelody: C
Chord: Am7
Melody: E
Chord: CMaj7
Melody: F
Chord: D♭Maj7
Melody: F
Chord: Dm7
Bassline (Pedal Point)Chord: E♭6
Bass: C
Chord: D7
Bass: C
Chord: D♭Maj7
Bass: C
Chord: CMaj7
Bass: C
Bassline (Stepwise)Chord: Em7
Bass: E
Chord: A7
Bass: E
Chord: Dm7 - G7
Bass: D - D
Chord: CMaj7
Bass: C

Remember: The chords and bass-line can move independently and the chord quality doesn’t matter

Some Rules and Tips:

Further study

To make your reharmonization sound even more professional and smooth:

Google Doc

Below is an embedded Google Doc which outlines all the possible reharmonization (substitute) chords for all chord types and all 12 note. You’re welcome to export it to Excel. To do this:

To see the above theory in action, please watch the below video.


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