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Gospel-Jazz Piano Techniques and Reharmonization

Gospel has had an influence on Jazz. Many Jazz pianists started off playing Gospel piano at church before transitioning to Jazz (for example, John Hicks). And naturally they brought many Gospel piano techniques to their Jazz playing. So in this lesson we will discuss a few of these techniques and apply them to rehamonize the song Amazing Grace.

First, let’s see the basic version, in the key of C for convenience.

As you can see, it has a nice simple chord progression – only using the I, IV, and V chords. Now, to make this sound a bit more ‘Gospel-like’ we are going to do a number of things

Right, so already that sounds a bit more interesting. We’ve harmonised every note with a chord (except for some of the pickups), and we’ve inserted a bit more movement into the chord progression by using couple chords, in close position, using parallel motion. Now, let’s take this idea a bit further, and Jazz it up a bit more. So instead of just using diatonic chords – that is, the chords in the key of C Major – let’s add in some chords from outside the key. Let’s add some:

Ok, so let’s analyse what just happened bar by bar:

And that is it. I hope you have found that somewhat interesting and enlightening. And hopefully it shed some light on a few Gospel piano techniques you can use in your own playing.


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